To begin, what are alternative therapies? They are treatments that are considered complementary, integrative medicine or also known as holistic therapy. This type of therapy focuses on the stimulation of healing the body as a whole with natural products and sees the human as a unity of body, mind and spirit Kambo.
You cannot live a calm and happy life if we are disconnected from what surrounds us. For this reason, holistic therapies take into account all the elements of health simultaneously and try to make the individual aware of these connections between the mind, body and spirit using a series of different techniques. Some of them are:
- Homeopathy: focuses on triggering the body’s natural defenses and is based on the principle that the body has the ability to heal itself. It is commonly used to treat allergies, depression, migraines, and rheumatoid arthritis, among other minor ailments such as headaches, nausea, colds, and coughs.
- Acupuncture: it is part of traditional Chinese medicine. It is based on inserting very fine needles into various points on the body to stimulate the nerves in the skin and muscles. It can treat all types of pain, such as back pain, joint pain, muscle pain, headache pain, jaw pain, dental pain, and also helps reduce stress and anxiety.
- Meditation: Use mindfulness or focus the mind on thoughts or activities to train awareness and attention to achieve mental clarity and a calm emotional state. Meditation can reduce anxiety, stress and pain.
- Massage: involves the manipulation of the soft tissues and muscles of the body to promote healing and improve a person’s overall well-being.
- Aromatherapy: uses essential oils from plants and flowers. It aims to help the body’s natural abilities to heal, rest and recover from stress and illness.
The holistic spa produces complete benefits to our health if it is carried out with a certified professional who executes the technique properly. Holistic therapies provide us with support depending on the area to be treated and can vary according to the person.
- Physical health: body pain, chronic pain, illness, tension, fatigue and ailments.
- Emotional health: feelings such as anger, sadness or worry.
- Mental health: all our limiting beliefs that manifest as depression, anxiety and stress.
- Spiritual health: feeling empty, lost, incomplete, disconnected and fragmented.
Without a doubt, holistic therapies are one of the most complete techniques that covers all aspects of our health and the benefits it brings us are innumerable.